Baby You

Presented by the Przekrój Foundation

Baby You, a thirty-four-meter-long hot air balloon in the shape of a sleeping newborn, is a metaphor for the potential that lies dormant in each of us, waiting to be awakened, unlimited and infinite as the sky. Inspired by the common trope of a baby sleeping on a cloud, we took on the challenge of making this idea a reality. The installation has been, and will be touring around the world, reminding us of the precious nature of childhood: joyous, full of wonder, and present in the here and now.

Most recently, Baby You, created by the PRZEKRÓJ Foundation, was inflated and rise over Milwaukee during Make Music Day, the worldwide festival of music-making held annually on the summer solstice. It was accompanied by a new a cappella choral work by composer Michael Schachter. As the sun set in Milwaukee, hundreds of singers gathered in Veterans Park on the shore of Lake Michigan to perform the new composition, while the balloon was inflated, took shape, and begun its tethered ascent behind them. The event marked the launch of the English-language online edition of PRZEKRÓJ, Poland’s iconic cultural magazine, offering global readers an enlightening respite from the intensity of today’s news.

The spectacular sculpture floating in the air— aims to impart that each and every one of us is already enough, that we were born this way. Made of tan fabric, the balloon’s colors change with the sunlight, reflecting the many hues of human skin. The combined aural and visual experience is meant to invoke the shared humanness of all people. Babies are born unprogrammed, naturally inclusive, and free from societal biases. We want to remind humanity of this state—one of tolerance and acceptance for all. Everyone was a baby once: adorable, vulnerable, and full of possibility.

PRZEKROJ Foundation

The PRZEKRÓJ Foundation (pronounced ‘p-SHEH-crooy’) grew out of Poland’s , oldest magazine about society and culture, available in print since 1945 and online, in Polish and English version. The foundation is a holistic center for those who want to consciously co-create positive changes with the environment around them and within themselves. It supports a variety of projects that engage the public in thoughtful and meaningful ways. From mounting ambitious, large-scale art installations and festivals, to sponsoring comedy shows, exhibitions, and film screenings, they hope to spread joy and build community—and inspire others to do the same. Przekrój is a thought-provoking magazine that focuses on big existential questions, well-being, philosophy, art, literature and the sciences. We help our readers foster a fuller, more conscious relationship with themselves and the world. Przekrój is independent and free of advertising.


Make Music Day

Held annually on June 21 to coincide with the summer solstice, Make Music Day is part of the international Fête de la Musique taking place in more than 2,000 cities around the world. The daylong, musical free-for-all celebrates music in all its forms, encouraging people to band together and play in free public concerts. 2024, over 150 U.S. cities and the entire states of Connecticut, Hawaii, Missouri, North Carolina, Texas, Vermont, and Wisconsin were organizing Make Music celebrations, encompassing thousands of music-making opportunities nationwide. Make Music Day is presented by The NAMM Foundation and coordinated by the nonprofit Make Music Alliance.

Michael Schachter

Michael Schachter is a composer, writer, and pianist based in Burlington, VT whose recent compositions have been performed at the Los Angeles Philharmonic, with the Grammy-winning choir Conspirare and the Miró Quartet. His music-theater piece, The Black Clown premiered with sold-out runs at Lincoln Center, where it was a New York Times Critic’s Pick.



Conductor: Lee Stovall

Core Choir: Genevieve Best-Dickson, Trish Borzon, Elizabeth Britton, Grace Caringello, Misha Carson-Owens, Amanda Clubb, Jacqueline Conarchy, Bryan Cornell, Kelly Crandall, Sandra Doxtater, Joe Ehlinger, Michele Eiche, Pilar Farfan-Guzman, Alexis Fielek, Jace Flanagan, Talia Frolkis, Terry J. Fryjoff, Patti Gilgaren, Charyl Granatella, Lizzie Grewal, Iryonna Hale, Sherri Hansen, Mitch Haycock, Annette I. Kordus, Pere James, Darlene Junker, Victoria Klisch, Tre-Thomas Martin, Antonija Mitt, Elle Parker, Anne Potkay, Heidi Rothenbach, Liz Schulze, Joshua Schumaker, Jacqueline Shuster, Davney Stahley, Robert Stahley, Terry Stenstrup, Scott Stieg, Leslea Strauss, Samantha Thomfohrda, Chelsea Vong, Daren Walker, Maripat Wilkinson, Krista Williams, and Kathleen Wojcik

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